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Natura Vitalis® BV does not itself carry out its own direct marketing of its products by means of multi-level marketing by its own sales partners or team partners.

Due to an existing cooperation agreement, however, team partners of Natura Vitalis® GmbH** in Germany can claim the advantages and benefits granted there compared to Natura Vitalis® GmbH** if these products do not order from Natura Vitalis® GmbH**, but directly from Natura Vitalis® BV. However, only Natura Vitalis® GmbH** bills these advantages and benefits internally to its respective team partners. Own claims of these team partners against Natura Vitalis® BV for commissions or bonus credits do not arise and are not justified by this.

If customers of ours intend to order our products directly from us in the future while simultaneously enjoying these advantages and advantages granted by Natura Vitalis ® GmbH** as their team partner, however, either a corresponding team partnership must first exist with Natura Vitalis® GmbH** or these must have been applied for at Natura Vitalis® GmbH**.

We as Natura Vitalis BV offer – in consultation with Natura Vitalis® GmbH** – as a special service that team partners who have not yet been admitted or registered with Natura Vitalis® GmbH** can immediately submit such an "application for membership as a team partner at Natura Vitalis® GmbH**" listed below, which we would then forward to Natura Vitalis® GmbH**. As a result, customers immediately have the opportunity to benefit from these advantages as a team partner of Natura Vitalis® GmbH**.


Team Partner registration AT THE COMPANY NATURA VITALIS® GMBH*

1. By ticking the box, I declare that I am a self-employed trader and at least 18 years old, that I have personally completed the application for the conclusion of a team partner contract and hereby make a binding application to become a team partner at Natura Vitalis® GmbH.

2. Durch das Setzen des Häkchens erkläre ich, dass ich die Team Partner General Terms and Conditions (including the voluntary right of withdrawal - § 5 of the Team Partner General Terms and Conditions) dieses Vertrages und den Marketing plan der Natura Vitalis® GmbH zur Kenntnis genommen habe und erkenne die Allgemeinen Teampartnerbedingungen und deren Inhalt sowie den Marketingplan ausdrücklich als Vertragsbestandteil an. Insbesondere willige ich ausdrücklich der Verwendung und Weiterleitung meiner personenbezogenen Daten im Sinne der Datenschutzerklärung gem. § 16 der Allgemeinen Teampartnerbedingungen ein. Insoweit bin ich ferner widerruflich auch damit einverstanden, dass meine Daten an meine direkte Sponsorlinie weitergeleitet werden, um mich über Waren und Vertriebs- und Schulungsmöglichkeiten im Zusammenhang mit der geschäftlichen Beziehung zu der Natura Vitalis® GmbH zu informieren

Furthermore, I hereby declare my revocable consent that Natura Vitalis® BV in Roermond is entitled to forward the above application for admission with all my data listed therein to Natura Vitalis® GmbH** for the purpose of deciding there on my above application for membership and registering me as their new team partner. This consent also applies to the passing on of the data about my possible future orders with Natura Vitalis® BV, insofar as these should be used and required for the internal billing of commissions or bonus credits by Natura Vitalis® GmbH** towards me, in particular in my "back office" there.

** Natura Vitalis GmbH, Adlerstr. 29, D-45307 Essen/Germany, Internet:

After successful registration, the choice is yours!

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